What is not covered by Pro-Warranty?

  1. Any services or maintenance of the vehicle must be carried out in accordance to the service & maintenance requirements highlighted in your warranty booklet.
  2. The service & maintenance record page must be signed and stamped by authorized service & repair center. All service and maintenance need to be authenticated upon completion.
  3. Any repairs made under warranty must be performed at authorized service and repair centers.
  4. The decision relates warranty repairs will be made entirely at the discretion of AWS AutoWarranty Solutions (M) Sdn. Bhd. who reserves the right to either repair damaged components or replace damaged components with used / reconditioned parts.
  5. Repairs will only be carried out upon the warranty administrator has submitted a recommendation for the claim.
  6. No claims will be accepted for damage caused by
    • Flood, earthquake, lightning, landslide and other natural disaster
    • Damage by failure of any item(s) not covered by this warranty
    • Damage to parts that not covered under this warranty plan
    • Misuse such as overloading, racing and modifications
    • Any foreign matter getting into or onto a part
    • Failure to maintain the correct oil/fluid level
    • Fire, war, sonic booms or nuclear radiation
    • Overheating or freezing
    • Lack of servicing
    • Corrosion
    • Negligence
    • Abuse
  7. Failure to meet the warranty condition will lead to claim rejection and warranty termination.
  8. No claims will be accepted for any consequential loss to parts not covered by this warranty, even though the consequential loss is caused by a covered part.
  9. In the event of the insurer or representative fails to disclose or misrepresent any material fact, AWS AutoWarranty Solutions (M) Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to terminate the warranty.
  10. Automobil Warranty Solution products are underwritten by AWS AutoWarranty Solutions (M) Sdn. Bhd.
  11. Betterment Clause - New parts replacement is subject to insurer's approval and claims amount is limited to 50% of the parts cost.